Ülemiste City values green environment
and environmental protection.

With the growth of environmental awareness and reporting requirements, we aim to bring accurate data to our talents to support the journey of as many as possible towards becoming environmentally friendly. For this purpose, we have created the Green City service where talents of Ülemiste City can get acquainted with aggregated campus data and the resources consumed by their rental space.

Data available to everyone

The content of the online platform is divided into three parts. All visitors can access information from the campus aggregate data, such as: 

  • CO2 footprint resulting from energy consumption of buildings;
  • electricity and thermal energy consumption; 
  • water consumption; 
  • aggregate mobility data (movement of people and vehicles, parking); 
  • quantities of waste together with the proportions of their collection by type. 

By logging into the online platform, talents of the campus can see and analyze an aggregated view of similar indicators specifically for their company, and for a monthly subscription, they can analyze the data in even more detail. 

Company’s details

  • Electricity consumption (kWh) 
  • Heating use (kWh) 
  • Water consumption (m3) 
  • Generated waste by subtype (kg) 
  • Use of district cooling* (kWh) 

Monthly subscription

  • CO2 intensity (kg CO2/m2 per year) 
  • Water consumption per employee 
  • Shares of waste sorting by subtype 
  • CO2 emissions by type of consumption (kg CO2) 
  • Energy intensity (kWh/m2 per year) 
  • Data analysis (possibility to compare data from different years on one graph) and export (.csv) 
  • Company mobility data (available from the second quarter of 2024): the footprint of employees moving to work and home and the footprint of the use of company vehicles 

See your company’s or campus data.

Sustainable future

The personalized information displayed on the platform helps companies to monitor and analyze the consumption of these resources in an overview. It is a useful tool for those who are not only involved in a green transition for their company, but also in planning, monitoring and reporting actions on the use of resources. Green City service users are, for example, corporate sustainability leaders, financial managers, analysts and office managers.

Ülemiste City has established certain goals for the users to consider as a benchmark. The platform is not only a statistical and visualizing tool – we aim to offer a functional and at the same time inclusive solution to the companies of Ülemiste City in order to set the highest standards in sustainable development together.

You can find the Green City terms and conditions here.