Ülemiste City Future Forum 2023 is coming on May 10–11!
Are you ready to see what the future brings? 🚀
🔦 Forum focuses on four forward-looking and inspiring key areas—future trends, innovation and data, discovering and developing talent in a healthy environment, and a green mindset as a new reality and business opportunity.
🡲 Future Trends
🡲 Innovation and Data
🡲 Talent and Health
🡲 Green Transition in Business
What are the top trends in data in 10 years’ perspective? What will be the role of the state, employer and talent in securing health in the future? How to accelerate the green transition in business and take tangible steps towards sustainability? Does a rapid green transition automatically mean an increase in prices?
Keynote speakers from all over the world, including Estonia, and great discussions in panels with leading experts.
Early Bird 🡲 January 16–February 5 179 €
Main campaign 🡲 February 6–April 16 239 €
Last Call 🡲 April 17–May 5 275 €
👉 Program and tickets: https://bit.ly/3JaskNn.
👉 More: https://www.futureforum.ee/
See you in the future! 👋