🚊 Together with our City of the Future Professorship team, we are again looking at the future of cities. This time, we will closely look how the different economic actors can contribute to the city economy and vitality. Join us for an exciting overview of the results of research and developments presented by the Future City Professorship team and the City of Tallinn.
📍The seminar will take place in Ülemiste City, Öpik building (room Kosmos) and will be in English. Seminar is free of charge for everyone.
👉 To participate, please register here: https://bit.ly/3LsJgiT.
🤓 The seminar will discuss about urban systems and networks. Networks have formed an established mental model for cities for decades, and they capture well the complexities of urban interactive processes. Urban systems, from economic and cultural to social and ecological systems, consist of nodes and links enabling the flow of goods and information between them. Mathematical and computational network theories provide an interesting perspective to approach complex network cities, revealing features and dependencies that are otherwise impossible to explore.
10.00–10.25 Network theories in urban science
Jenni Partanen (Professor of Future City in TalTech, Architect)
10.25–10.50 A network approach
Mahdi Rasoulinezhad (PhD Student of Urban Studies at TalTech)
10.50–11.15 Urban Ecology and green network in Tallinn
Toomas Haidak (City of Tallinn, IGGCC process manager at Tallinn City Strategic Management Office)
Q&A, discussion with presenters. About next seminar and blog (prof. Jenni Partanen)
Info: Eneken Titov, AS Mainor, 5094723, Eneken.titov@mainor.ee