Digital Hub – ticket to Estonia’s largest innovation and technology conference with 25% discount!

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November 9th welcomes Estonia’s largest innovation and technology conference Digital Hub. In four years, it has grown into the top event of Estonia’s technology sector with 1000 participants, where key topics of the Estonian digital society are discussed. This year, the focus is on business, IT solutions, and technology sustainability. We will also hear about the ever-increasing impact of artificial intelligence on the development of technology and society.

Digital Hub brings well-known visionaries from the USA, Western Europe, and Estonia to Tallinn. The conference is kicked off with a discussion among top European decision-makers on how artificial intelligence and the demands for sustainable solutions affect our technological environment and business. The day concludes with Howard Brodsky, an Ukrainian descent entrepreneur, who has established a conglomerate in the United States with an annual turnover of 12 billion dollars, following community-based and sustainable business principles. The conference welcomes nearly 60 practitioners and experts  sharing their experience and knowledge in 5 dedicated tracks: the top managers’ club, IT managers’ club, IT gurus’ club, public sector club, and solutions lounge.

A dedicated offer for the Ülemiste City community – code TULEVIKULINN provides a 25% discount on the regular ticket price. The discount code is valid until October 27th or until the event is sold out. 

For more detailed information about the event, please visit:

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