🌤️ Kevad on lõpuks ometi käes! Aeg on oma kaherattalistelt sõpradelt tolm pühkida ning tuua nad välja värske õhu kätte.
Eelmisel aastal püstitas Ülemiste City kogukond Bike2Work väljakutses osalemise rekordi ning sel aastal ei ole plaan sugugi vähem ambitsioonikas. Iga sõit loeb. Ka siis, kui valid jalgratta auto asemel kord nädalas.
📢 Osale 1. aprillil Bike2Work väljakutse kick-off’is ehk teeme toreda ühise avasõidu.
✅ Registreerimine ja täpsem: https://www.ulemistecity.ee/events/bike-2-work-challenge-2025/
Bike2Work väljakutse kestab 1. aprillist–22. septembrini. Ka sellel aastal paneb peaauhinna välja Sportland. Lisaks jagame iga kuu vaheauhindu, et motivatsioon püsiks ikka septembri lõpuni.
Koos Sportlandiga lükkavad väljakutsele hoogu Activate ja Bikeep! 🚴♂️💨
Kogu jooksva info väljakutse kohta leiad Ülemiste City Bike2Work sündmuse lehelt, seega hoia pilk peal!
🌤️ Spring is finally here! It’s time to dust off your two-wheeled friends and bring them out into the fresh air.
Last year, the Ülemiste City community set a record for participation in the Bike 2 Work challenge, and this year, our plans are just as ambitious. Every ride counts, even if you choose to ride your bike instead of driving just once a week.
📢 We’ll gather on April 1st to ride together from various districts of Tallinn to Ülemiste City. To give the challenge a fantastic start, let us know which area you would like to depart from and register for the group ride.
✅ https://www.ulemistecity.ee/en/events/bike-2-work-challenge-kick-off/
The Bike 2 Work challenge runs from April 1st to September 22th. This year, the grand prize is sponsored by Sportland. Additionally, we’ll be giving away monthly prizes to keep the motivation going through the end of September.
Alongside Sportland, Activate and Bikeep are boosting the challenge! 🚴♂️💨
You can find all the current information about the challenge on the Ülemiste City Bike2Work event page, so stay tuned!