Kogume jõulukinke paljulapseliste perede lastele. Palun too kingakarpi mahtuv kingitus pakituna Ülemiste City valvelauda, kust need 21.12 kell 15.00 kokku korjame.
Jõuluvana toimetab seekord kingid laste ukseni kasutades Elmo Rendi abi https://rent.elmorent.ee/.
Tallinna ja Harjumaa Lasterikaste Perede Liit on Eesti suurim 4+ lastega perede liit, kuhu kuulub enam, kui 300 peret 1800 lapsega. Sellel aastal on neil suur soov aidata peresid, kellel on veidi keerulisem periood, laste jõulukingitustega. Sellepärast aitame kaasa algatatud kampaanias, et koguda kinke pea 300 lapsele. Aita neil aidata, et kõikidel lastel oleks jõulude ajal võimalus avada kingitusi! Meie täname!
Lasterikaste Perede Liidu kohta saab lugeda rohkem: https://www.lasterikkad.ee/tallinnjaharjumaa/
Häid jõule ja suur suur tänu Sulle, et aitad!
Ülemiste City invites to do Good!
Lets gather together Christmas presents for children of large families! Please bring your present in the size of fitting into a shoe box to Ülemiste City reception desks until 21. Dec by 15.00.
Santa will deliver presents to the doorsteps of children with the help of Elmo Rent https://rent.elmorent.ee/
Association of Large Families in Tallinn and Harju County, is the largest association of families with 4+ children in Estonia. This includes more than 300 families with 1,800 children.
This year, they have a wish to help families during a slightly more difficult period and give their children Christmas presents. This year there is almost 300 children, who are hoping to find a gift under the Christmas tree.
Be part of something good and offer all those children an opportunity, to open the presents at Christmas! Thank you!
You can read more about the Association for Families with Many Children: https://www.lasterikkad.ee/tallinnjaharjumaa/
Merry Christmas and thank you so much for helping us!