4 nädalat, 4 väljakutset ja terve kogukond sind toetamas – oled valmis oma tervist edendama? 💛
Tervis ei pea olema keeruline! Väikesed muudatused on piisav, et tunda end iga päevaga aina paremini. Sestap keskendume maikuu jooksul tervislike harjumuste loomisele, millel on oluline ja pikaajaline mõju meie enesetundele ja rahulolule.
📱 Abiks on meile linnaku startup Activate, kelle rakendusest leiad kogu tervisekuu programmi ning lisaks erinevaid häkke, tööriistu, väljakutseid ja kõike muud, mis aitavad heale tervisele kaasa. Tervisekuu on Activate’i äpis olemas alates 18. aprillist. Seniks võid juba rakenduse alla laadida ning ennast valmis panna! www.activate.ee
Tervisekuu programm kestab 02.05-02.06:
#1 – Rattaga tööle nädal
#2 – Välitreeningute nädal x MyFitness
#3 – Vaimse tervise nädal
#4 – Trepist kõndimise nädal
26.05 – Ülemiste City Business Triathlon
02.06 – Ülemiste City Tervisekonverents → https://uct22.ulemistecity.ee/
⚡️ Kutsu ka kolleegid tervisekuuga liituma, et oleks oleks lõbusam ja motiveeritum teekond!
4 weeks, 4 challenges and a whole community backing you up – ready to join on a health journey with us? 💛
Health doesn’t have to be complicated! Small changes are enough to help make you feel better every day. This is why we’ll focus on creating healthier habits in May, which will have a significant impact in the long run on our happiness and satisfaction.
📱 We’ve got our community’s startup Activate helping us, in whose app you’ll find the health month program and various hacks, tools, challenges and everything else that helps you achieve good health. The Health month program is available in the Activate app from April 18th. In the meantime, you can download the app and get ready! www.activate.ee
Health month lasts from May 2nd until June 2nd:
#1 — Bike to Work Week
#2 — Outdoor Workouts Week x MyFitness
#3 — Mental Health Week
#4 — Take the Stairs Week
26.05 — Ülemiste City Business Triathlon
02.06 — Ülemiste City Health Conference → https://uct22.ulemistecity.ee/
⚡️ Invite all your colleagues to join to motivate each other and have more fun!