Future Forum 2025: Business Growth – Leading the Next Wave
In 2025, Ülemiste City, Estonia’s 3rd largest economy and home to 18,000 talents and 400 companies, celebrates its 20th anniversary. From a business park to a thriving smart future city, Ülemiste City has become a hub where companies and individuals achieve their full potential.
The Ülemiste City Future Forum 2025 is a two-day conference that unites over 400 local and international leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs to shape the next wave of business growth. With the theme Business Growth – Leading the Next Wave, this event provides the insights, connections, and strategies necessary to drive sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving world.
Join us and learn from global leaders, expand your professional network, get inspired to take action, and explore new opportunities.
Why Attend?
Learn from Global Leaders: Gain actionable insights from world-renowned experts representing companies like Ericsson, Siemens, NTT Corporation, and AstraZeneca.
Expand Your Network: Connect with over 400 business executives, entrepreneurs, startups, policymakers, and academia across industries.
Get Inspired and Take Action: Dive into discussions and workshops designed to help you tackle tomorrow’s challenges today.
Explore New Opportunities: Leverage Estonia’s dynamic ecosystem as a catalyst for growth and collaboration.
Tickets and program: futureforum.ee