A Specialist in Data Strategy Development and Data Science Started Working in Ülemiste City
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With the support of internationalization of science and higher education, the support of mobility, and thanks to the European Regional Development Fund, a data scientist started to work at AS Mainor from the February 1, 2022. The goal was to develop a data strategy and a data model considering the sustainable environment of Ülemiste City, as well as to initiate awareness in data collection. Researcher Marika Eik has degrees from Aalto University and Tallinn University of Technology , and her research areas are in (info)technology, engineering with a focus on data modelling. At Ülemiste City, Marika Eik concentrates on the environmental data related to energy, climate , green areas and mobility. By the end of the funding project, i.e. starting from February 2023, Marika continues the research at Ülemiste City campus as a data strategist and data scientist.
The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund.