Ülemiste City will introduce artificial intelligence-based economical energy management in all its office buildings
Pursuant to the agreement signed between Mainor Ülemiste AS, the developer of Ülemiste City, the largest business campus in the Baltic States, and the technology company R8 Technologies, artificial intelligence-based energy management will be introduced in all commercial buildings managed by Mainor Ülemiste, resulting in significant energy savings in a total of nearly 78,000 square meteres of office space.
„With modern buildings, energy efficiency and maximum sustainability have been the ultimate goal from the moment of construction for many years. They have become the standard. For example, the building named after Alma Tomingas, which was recently completed in Ülemiste City, was designed and built in accordance with the requirements of the LEED gold certificate for energy and environmental sustainability. In addition, solar panels are installed on the building using green energy and a district heating and cooling system is used. Tenants also expect that the office space offered to them is resource-saving,“ explained Ursel Velve, Chairman of the Management Board of Mainor Ülemiste AS.
According to Ursel Velve, the R8 proactively responsive digital energy management system plays an important role in achieving environmentally sustainable solutions in commercial buildings, which also helps the developer to save energy costs. For example, the digital operator helped to save more than 194,500 euros in total last year.
„That is why we will introduce the R8 artificial intelligence-based energy management in all Mainor Ülemiste commercial buildings – currently, the digital operator is used in two objects with a total area of 40,000 square meters, to which three more buildings with a total of 38,000 square meters of office space will be added soon,“ said Ursel Velve. „The R8 Technologies solution allows us to collect and systematise consumption-related data and, based on the data, make decisions regarding the design and construction of future buildings.“
Siim Täkker, CEO of R8 Technologies, said that the goal of the intelligent energy and indoor climate management software for commercial buildings is to achieve the desired indoor climate with minimal costs. „It is a tool created for the customer so that the building operates efficiently and all the hidden possibilities are utilised with automatic data processing. Adopting the tool is simple, fast, and does not generally require additional investments,“ he added.
Mainor Ülemiste and R8 Technologies have already cooperated in the technological field when smart energy solutions were used to improve the indoor climate of buildings as part of the work that received the Ülo Pärnits Scholarship.