Ülo Pärnits Scholarship: Application Deadline Extended to Dec 7
How to build a future city? How to make Ülemiste City smarter? The aim of the scholarship, established by Ülo Pärnits (the founder of Ülemiste City), is to promote lifelong learning and practical training and to support research related to the development of Ülemiste City as a smart future city.

Target Group: Partner universities and their students
Partner universities are: Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (Mainor), Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LT).
We announce new themes for the sixth season of the Ülo Pärnits scholarship and invite students to contact us at an early stage of their research project. If you have an innovative and practical idea that will contribute to the future development of Ülemiste City, please contact us. It can be a Bachelor’s, Master’s etc. thesis or project work. We, on behalf of the campus, will help to conceptualize and give substance to it and, where possible, support it with data and expertise.
1) 24/7 environmental innovation – focusing on people’s involvement in community building and development, for example:
a) develop an incentive scheme to encourage the removal of parking spaces and the use of bicycles/other modes of mobility, and ideas for relevant planning.
b) propose the principles of an inclusive city, the process for implementing the ideas, and the user interfaces view for the Ülemiste City website.
2) Green economy: Various incentives to encourage businesses in the city center (not the conscious ones, but those that do not engage in sustainability on a daily basis) to behave in a more environmentally friendly way. The solutions should provide basic knowledge of environmental management to target the audience and could be used by the developer as added value in the Ülemiste City green report.
3) Health: Technological options for people’s own health management, support tools, health apps as prescription medicines, and options for implementing the Ülemiste City 3×3, health model.
4) Data: New knowledge and values from the data on Ülemiste City as an ecosystem.
The scholarship is supported by Kristosten OÜ, Mainor AS, Mainor Ülemiste AS, Technopolis Ülemiste AS, and Sentosa OÜ.
Students can apply between 29 Sep – 7 Dec 2022.
Have a look at previous years’ scholarship projects HERE and short video HERE.
Contact for additional information:
Kätlin Onton
Coordinator, Ülo Pärnits Scholarship
+372 55 530 393