Ülemiste City invites all interested parties to Estonia’s largest hackathon, held in November
Already in November, the JCI World Congress began in Tallinn; during the event, from 5 to 7 November, one of Estonia’s largest hackathons will be held in cooperation with Ülemiste City.
The hackathon primarily focuses on the city of the future and the issues and problems related to it. Even though the word hackathon may create the feeling that this event is only for IT gurus and specialists, the events are actually meant for everyone interested in these fields. We do, indeed, invite absolutely all interested parties to participate, since teams will be created on-site in any case, guided by leading-edge mentors throughout the process.

The hackathon primarily focuses on the city of the future and the issues and problems related to it. Even though the word hackathon may create the feeling that this event is only for IT gurus and specialists, the events are actually meant for everyone interested in these fields. We do, indeed, invite absolutely all interested parties to participate, since teams will be created on-site in any case, guided by leading-edge mentors throughout the process.
But what are the issues or problems that the teams are supposed to seek answers to?
People and mobility
Ülemiste City (ÜC) is a quickly developing region where 10,000 people go to work currently and 1000 people join them every year, a third of whom like to go to work by car.
At the same time, the Ülemiste region and the Tallinn city traffic put restrictions on arriving by car. This is why the campus invites people to use more public transport and soft traffic vehicles, such as bicycles and scooters. As we know, it is very difficult to change behaviours.
The question here is – what would motivate people to change their current behavioural patterns?

People and wellbeing
Nowadays, the majority of people lead a physically passive life. Working people sit at their desk in the office and schoolchildren at school for long hours, and the workers at Ülemiste City are no exception to this. Based on research, it is clear that a person should move a bit after every 45–60 minutes, in order to do a more efficient job.
ÜC wishes to create an environment that invites people to move, and where it is pleasant to do so. This is why the hackathon expects solutions and ideas for creating such an environment.
People and the environment
It is no secret that an unacceptable amount of rubbish is generated around us, every day. However, with each year, responsible behaviour and being an example in society become more important.
The Ülemiste business campus alone creates packaging in the volume of a 13-storey commercial building within one and a half years. Right now, ÜC’s own food box has been created to reduce the amount of packaging; with it, people here can buy food at local restaurants and Selver.
Even more ideas and solutions for reducing the generation of rubbish and using the generated rubbish better are expected from the hackathon. The hackathon also focuses on solutions for heading towards a greener future as a community.
People and services
There are over 400 companies and over 10,000 people at ÜC, but many people are still not aware of the services and companies that are available at the campus.
Even though the service fleet already covers practically all needs today, so that a person does not have to leave the campus, ÜC expects solutions from the hackathon on better connecting people and services.
Currently, the campus uses digital screens, newsletters and Facebook to notify visitors and workers at the campus of news and opportunities, but it seems that the current solutions do not function as well as they could.
People and people
People from 27 different countries work at Ülemiste City. We organise different community-uniting events throughout the year, such as Neighbour Thursday, Community Day, the ÜC Business Triathlon, but it is always possible to do more and better.
The hackathon also awaits solutions for better connecting people with each other, to exchange thoughts or get them do something together, i.e., become universally closer.