International education innovation project ‘Platform for Co-operation Between Schools and Enterprises’ kicks off at Ülemiste City
The project ‘Platform for Co-operation Between Schools and Enterprises’, in which nine partner organisations from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania are participating, launched on 13 September 2022 at Öpiku Conference Centre, Ülemiste City.

The project aims to facilitate daily communication between universities and companies. A model for the project is the platform developed by Mainor AS, which allows employees from Ülemiste City companies to participate in training courses offered by various Estonian universities. The aim is to use this model to find new development ideas for improving cooperation.
The ringleader and a long-term expert in the education field Eneken Titov believes that we have to look for innovative solutions in the cooperation of universities and enterprises to make learning more practical and support daily information exchange. “If a university is looking for a professional from a particular field, the contact persons of certain enterprises could get an e-mail about the request,” Eneken Titov notes. “Or if a company is looking for a trainee with a specific background, the already operating e-environment would be a big help.”
The international project helps to determine the needs of enterprises and universities and map possible solutions that support the universities’ future digital solution developments. The participants decided to join the project because Estonia has a very strong reputation in the fields of digitalisation and the education and requires fresh insight in that regard.
The lead partner of the project is Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences. The network of partners includes: Vilnius College, RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University, Tallinn School of Economics, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, University of Tartu and Mainor AS.
Nordplus Horizontal finances the project and the project will run for two years.
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