Game Jam Tallinn in EUAS

English below.

Oled oodatud ülemaailmsele mängudisainerite, -loojate ja teemast huvitatute suursündmusele Global Game Jam, kus luuakse 48 tunni jooksul etteantud teemal mängude prototüübid.


?Oodatud on kõik mängude loomisest ja arendamisest huvitatud tegijaid, kes on vähemalt 18 aastased.
?Lõpp-tulemuseks võib olla digitaalne või mitte-digitaalne mäng.
?Varasem mänguarenduse kogemus ei ole nõutav.
?Kogemuse olemasolu annab eelise olla meeskonnajuht.
?Oled teretulnud üksi või koos meeskonnaga!

Sündmus toimub Eesti Ettevõtluskõrgkoolis Mainor ja algab 25. jaanuaril kell 15.00 ning lõppeb pühapäeval kell 19.00.



You are all invited to Game Jam event in EUAS, as Global Game Jam official participants under Game Jam Tallinn in EUAS on 25 – 27 of January 2019.

The Global Game Jam brings the community together for a weekend to create games. The goal is to come together and create a game in 48 hours. All locations all over the world share the same theme and constraints for the jam.


The Global Game Jam® (GGJ) is the world’s largest game jam event (game creation) taking place around the world at physical locations. Think of it as a hackathon focused on game development. It is the growth of an idea that in today’s heavily connected world, we could come together, be creative, share experiences and express ourselves in a multitude of ways using video games – it is very universal. The weekend stirs a global creative buzz in games, while at the same time exploring the process of development, be it programming, iterative design, narrative exploration or artistic expression. It is all condensed into a 48 hour development cycle. The GGJ encourages people with all kinds of backgrounds to participate and contribute to this global spread of game development and creativity.

The structure of a jam is usually that everyone gathers on Friday late afternoon, watches a short video keynote with advice from leading game developers, and then a secret theme is announced. All sites worldwide are then challenged to make games based on that same theme, with games to be completed by Sunday afternoon.

Join us for a weekend of making, community, learning, inspiration and fun. Everyone is welcome to join in whatever your skill set or level. There is something for everyone at GGJ.

Previous experience is not necessary. Participants rapidly prototype game designs and hopefully inject new ideas to help grow the game industry. Designers, developers, artists, musicians, knitters, gardeners, architects, everyone and anyone is welcome to try their hand at making a game during the GGJ. You can learn many new skills and support your team by contributing ideas, playtesting and giving moral support.

You can as well work on a non-digital game, which won’t require programming skills! The brief time span is meant to help encourage creative thinking to result in small but innovative and experimental games.

The GGJ is open source, hardware and software agnostic and all projects are released under a Creative Commons license.

More information:


Room 121 – computer class (1st floor)
Room 131 (1st floor) sleeping area – bring your own sleeping bag!
Auditorium 225 (2nd floor)
Auditorium 227 (2nd floor)
Student Lounge (2nd floor)

Speakers and Mentors

Martin Sillaots, Lector and researcher of serious games at Tallinn University

Brandon Marsh, Creative Mobile, Lecturer of Game Design and Development at EUAS

Paul Sokk, Venomite Studio, Lecturer of Game Design and Development at EUAS

Erik Kesa, GwynBleidd, Lecturer of Game Design and Development at EUAS

Julia Idlis, Creative Mobile, Lecturer of Game Design and Development at EUAS

Fredy Tarenõmm, Dotstripe Studio, Lecturer of Game Design and Development at EUAS

Evgeni Vasjokov, Anastasia Kunakova, Dotstripe Studio

George Karagioules, Georgeksound, Sound designer, music composer for video games and creative media

Anneli Rumm, Educational Technologist and Lecturer of IT at EUAS

Vanessa Vorteil, Head of Curriculum of Start-Up Entrepreneurship and Lecturer of Web Technology at EUAS

Marge Robam, Head of Curriculum of Game Design and Development and Lecturer of Graphic Design at EUAS


Day 1: Friday, 25 January
14:30 Campus tour by EUAS Game Design and Development (GDD) students
15:00 – 15:15 Marge Robam EUAS Head of Curriculum of GDD / Opening speech / Room 227
15:00 – 18:00 Check in Student Lounge
Keynote speakers
15:15 – 16:00 Brandon Marsh / Game Design and Development, Project planning / Room 227
16.15 – 17.00 Martin Sillaots / Game Design document / Room 227
17:00 – 18:00 Keynote video from Global Game Jam / Welcome announcements / Livestream with other sites / Room 227
18:00 – 18:45 George Karagioules / Introduction to Game Audio / Room 225
18:45 – 19:30 Dinner* / Networking
19.30 – 20.15 Group forming
20:15 – 21:15 Pitching / Room 227

Day 2: Saturday, 26 of January
09:00 –10:00 Waking up
10:00 – 11:00 Breakfast* / Networking
11:00 –12:00 Check in / Make sure jammers have an account on the Global Gam Jam website / Set up a game project page
12.00 – 12.45 Workshop Vesse Veering / Introduction to Blender / Room 121
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch* / Networking
15:15 – 16:00 Workshop Dotstripe Studio / Room 225
18:00 – 19:00 Dinner* / Networking
19:00 Fun and games

Day 3: Sunday, 26 January
09:00 – 10:00 Waking up
10:00 – 11:00 Breakfast* / Networking
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch* / Networking
15:00 – 17:00 Game uploads to the Global Gam Jam website
17:00 – 18:30 Presentations – Each team does a short show-off / Feedback / Announce the winners and special awards! / Room 227
18:30 – 19:00 Closing the event

*Breakfast, lunch, dinner – we recommend you to visit one of the best cafes in Ülemiste City SketchHouse Cafe (the entrance is on the other side of EUAS building).